Optical fiber kya hai | What is optical fiber

Optical fiber is one of the latest technology to date. This is because data, light and material travel through glass inside the optical fiber cable. Today we are talking about what is optical fiber, how does it work and what are its advantages and disadvantages.

Basically, a Fiber Optic Cable is a network cable, in which there is a wire made of glass inside an insulated cover. This cable is used for the transmission of high speed internet over long distances. Fiber Optic Cable is capable of providing high bandwidth compared to any other wire or medium. At present, fiber optic cables are mainly being used to run the Internet.

The speed of optical fiber cable is much higher than that of Normal Cable, Coaxial Cable or Twisted Pair Cable. It is a broadband connection in which it can transfer data at a speed of 940 MBps in a very short time interval. Data in Fiber Optics Cable travels at a speed of about 70 percent of the speed of light.

Definition of Optical Fiber Cable

Optical fiber cable is a cable made of silica glass or plastic, which is used to transmit data at high speed.

Structure of Optical Fiber Cable

There are many layers in the structure of optical fiber cable. The inner layer is called Core and the second layer is called Cladding.
Data is transmitted only through the inner layer core, it can be made of plastic or glass. After this, the layer Cladding is also made of plastic and glass, there is a flow of data, its top most part is called Outer Jacket.

History of Optical Fiber Cable

For the first time in the 1840s, Daniel Colladon and Jacques Babinet theorized that light could be guided by refraction, by this principle fiber optics was conceived. After this, in 1854, the British-origin Physicist John Tyndall Proved that light can travel through a curved stream of water. So that it was confirmed that light can be bent. With the passage of time the system evolved further. In 1960, Indian-origin American scientist Narinder Singh Kapani invented fiber optical cable for the first time. Gradually, this cable kept developing further and with its speed, its scope also increased. And today with the help of these cables the whole world has been connected. The contribution of optical fiber cable is very important for making the Internet..

Types of Optical Fiber Cable

Loose configuration

In this fiber optical cable, a liquid gel is filled around the core of the glass or fiber, this gel is used for protection. Its cost is very less.

Light configuration

Straight wire is used in this which prevents it from breaking and bending. Due to straight wire it weighs more.

Single mode

There is only one light path in this cable, due to which only one light signal can flow at a time, but this cable can flow data over a very long distance.

Multi mode

This cable has more than one light path due to which more than one light signal can flow through it at a time. This cable cannot transfer data over long distances due to longer light path.

How Work Optical fiber cable

Where the data is received on the optical fiber, a transmitter is installed there. Tell you that from here the data goes or goes through the optical fiber line. Data transmission in copper cable is in the form of electronic pulses, whereas in optical fiber, data transmission is in the form of light pulses, that is, when the core travels in the form of data light in the surface, its outer layer reflects the cladding light. , so that the light does not go out of the cladding layer and continues to move forward, and up to a certain distance, such as about 100 Km, the transmission of data remains very fast, and then amplifiers are placed in between to maintain the signal strength. Due to which the speed of data transmission remains the same. This transmitter resolves the electronic pulse information and processes it and transmits it to the optical fiber line in the form of a light pulse. Similarly, digital data is sent inside the cable in the form of light pulses. These are converted into binary values at the receiver end. This is what your computer understands and knows how to give you information.

Optical fiber internet speed

The data inside the optical fiber cable travels through laser and light, so the data travels very high speed inside this cable, talking about the optical fiber internet speed, the data speed ranging from 1Mb/s to 10Gb/s can be controlled by this cable. Let’s support.

Optical fiber cable connectors

Five types of connectors are used in optical fiber cables

Five common fiber connectors
ST – straight Tip
FC – fiber channel
SC – square connector
LC – little connector
MT-RJ – mechanical transfer – registered jack

Benefits of optical fiber

High Bandwidth:- Any fiber optic cable has high bandwidth as compared to a common metal wire. This is the reason that the transmission of data through fiber optic cable is very fast. These can have 10 to 100 times more bandwidth than power cables. Which means it is capable of carrying and carrying more data.

Long Distance:- Fiber Optics Cable uses minimum energy to transmit data and can be carried over long distance despite using less power. The surprising thing is this, this cable is being used to connect two countries from under the sea to the internet. In which the participation of our country’s company TATA is about 24 percent.

Better Flexibility:- Fiber optic cables are more capable of withstanding any environmental conditions as compared to ordinary metallic cables and have much higher tensile strength than normal cables. This is the reason why it is used for a long time without any problem.

Reduces Latency :- Nowadays if there is any problem related to internet then it is latency. In simple words, latency means the time it takes for one network to connect to another. The lower the latency, the faster the connectivity. Latency matters a lot in live game play or live video streaming.

Better Security: Data theft from metallic cables used to be a common problem. Which has been made almost impossible by fiber optic cables. This is because data was not stolen from the fiber optic cable by tampering with it.

Immunity to electromagnetic interference:- Optical fibers are made of insulators, so magnetic waves cannot affect them. Small size and light: Optical fibers are very small, their thickness works even with your hair. Due to this structure, their weight is also very less.

Security: Optical fiber provides complete security to the data. It is not so cheap and easy to break its security.

Analog and Digital Signal Transmission: In this the data is not transmitted in analog way but in digital way.

Let me tell you that unlogged transmission can also be done in this. In analog transmission, the intensity varies continuously, so it is better to use digital mode.

Less loss: – You must know that the speed of light is much more than electricity. In such a situation, they are harmful in comparison to electric wires.

Disadvantages of Fiber Optic Cable


Fiber optic cable core is usually made of glass and this is the reason why it can break even with a slight bend. Due to which the transmission of data can stop completely.

Hard to setup

Special types of machines are required to use this cable. It is difficult to install it for a common man without prior knowledge or any expert. In case of any kind of wear and tear, it can create problems for you. While the setup of wires made of metal can be done very easily by a common man.


Compared to any other cables, optical fiber cable is very expensive. The only reason it is expensive is its texture and the ingredients used to make it.

Break down quickly

The cable can be destroyed in a few seconds. The thing to keep in mind in fiber optic cable is that, if the light pulse is sent through this cable more than the limit. Then the problem of fiber fuse arises inside the glass fiber due to the imperfection of the lights. Which is enough to destroy a fiber optic cable in just a few minutes.

use of fiber optic cable

Day by day the use of fiber optic cable has increased tremendously. Because of this the advantages associated with this wire, which you read above. At present, fiber optic cables are used in health to defense matters. Apart from this, there are many other areas where optic fiber cable is being used.

In the field of medicine

Due to the very thin structure of optical fiber and its flexibility, fiber cables are used in surgery of patients. Doctors combine optical fibers with many other devices to view the inside of patients.


It is impossible to imagine the field of computers and networking without optical fiber cables. In big companies of office, even in banks it is used to connect computer to server. Due to which connectivity also becomes faster along with accuracy.

What is meant by optical fiber

Optical fiber is a wire made of thin glass or plastic through which data is transferred using lasers and light. It works on the principle of total internal reflection when the light is reflected from a particular angle. Light and laser are transmitted instead of electricity in optical fiber cables.

What is optical fiber made of?

Optical fibers are transparent fibers and act as a light pipe to transmit light between its two ends. They are made of silicon dioxide. Optical fibers work on the principle of total internal reflection

Where is the optical fiber factory?

For the first time in Madhya Pradesh, the optical fiber factory is located in th e Mandideep district of Bhopal. The optical fiber factory has been built in collaboration with the country of Japan. The Defense Cart Factory and the first Gem Refinery are located in Jabalpur

How do I know I have fiber in my home?

How do I know if I have fiber-optic internet? If you have such an optical network terminal (ONT) outside your location, your connection is fiber-optic. If you have a network interface device (NID) box like one of these outside your location, your connection is copper.

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